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How to Manage Work-life Balance as a Hospitality Professional

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Working in the hospitality industry can be unpredictable. Unlike the stability of a standard nine-to-five office job, your schedule changes on a weekly and sometimes daily basis. One week you might be slotted to work four doubles, but barely get enough shifts to pay the bills the next. Consequently, this level of uncertainty makes it hard to enjoy a work-life balance.

Use the tips below to maximize your time and make the most of each day. There are only so many hours in the day, so it’s important to use them wisely! 

Identify Weekly Priorities

Each week, write down everything you need to accomplish for the next seven days and figure out which tasks are the most important. Take advantage of free evenings and mornings while keeping this list in mind, so you can get through everything in a timely manner. For weeks when you’re especially busy, delegate tasks to trustworthy family members, roommates, or friends willing to assist. We all need help sometimes! 

Limit Use of Technology

Americans spend more than 11 hours per day using electronic media (yikes, thanks TikTok…) according to Statista. Restricting your use of electronic devices can easily add hours back in your day. Set screen time limits for yourself, so you can keep yourself in check when you find yourself endlessly scrolling.

Take Care of Yourself

You can’t operate at full capacity if you’re not feeling 100%. An unhealthy diet and lack of sleep will quickly wear you down, zap your energy, and can even cause you to get sick. Do your best to practice healthy habits like preparing nutritional meals and getting a good night’s sleep. Even small efforts can make a large difference over time. Self-care is a worthwhile activity. You are worth it! 

Learn Your Limits

As a nice person, you always want to lend a helping hand when asked, but sometimes you just have to say no. Doing favors for others is great, but kindness can’t come at your own expense. If you already have too much on your plate, don’t feel bad about politely saying you can’t help out this time.

These techniques can certainly help you get a better grip on work-life balance, but if you’re ready to make some serious changes, there’s something else you can do. Take control of your own work schedule with the professional platform at the heart of hospitality—Qwick. Qwick gives you the freedom to accept shifts when you’re ready to work and pass when you have other things on your agenda. Plus, you can get paid in just 30 minutes after clocking out, so say goodbye to the days of waiting two weeks for your paycheck to arrive. 

Work-life balance and the hospitality industry don’t always go hand-in-hand, but they can with Qwick. Sign up for Qwick today and experience freedom and flexibility doing the hospitality work you love. 

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