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Restaurant Server Job Description: What to Include

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Many restaurants are experiencing staffing challenges that can impact customer satisfaction and daily operations. Restaurant servers can alter the dining experience of customers. So adding new members to the team requires careful consideration. 

To attract the right candidates, your restaurant server job description needs to be clear and focused. In this guide, we’ll break down how to outline restaurant server duties and expectations to find talented restaurant staff.

What Is A Restaurant Server Job Description?

Restaurant servers are an essential part of an enjoyable dining experience. These professionals interact with customers throughout their meal and ensure that guests feel taken care of. From taking orders to serving meals and checking in on guests, the overarching goal of a restaurant server is to provide guests with wonderful service.

A restaurant server job description answers the question, “what does a restaurant server do?” 

The exact job description varies depending on the establishment. That is why the one you create should be tailored to your specific eatery. The description you create will be featured on job boards and read by multiple candidates as they decide whether the job is a good fit for them. 

The Elements Of Restaurant Server Job Descriptions

A well-written restaurant server job description will bring about two favorable results: 

  1. It will attract qualified candidates to apply 
  2. It will deter those who are not a good match from applying. 

To achieve these results, you’ll need to incorporate four key components into your restaurant server job description. These include the job title, the job summary, the duties and responsibilities section, and the qualifications and skills section.

On top of these foundational elements, it is beneficial to add the type of job, compensation details, and an equal opportunity disclaimer.

Job Title

First, specify the position. A job title is the first element of a job description that potential applicants look at. If the title is unclear, it will keep people from applying for the position. 

Most job boards come with a search feature that allows candidates to look for the role they desire. A job posting with the title “Restaurant Server” will pop up in the search results more often than a similar posting with the title “In-House Meal Consultant.” 

Be sure to select a job title that accurately describes the role and is clear to those looking for similar positions. Here are a few job titles that fit the bill: 

  • Restaurant Server
  • Restaurant Server (1+ Year Experience)
  • Waitstaff
  • Dining Server
  • Server/Bartender

To sum it up, straightforward job titles are an effective way to ensure people find and apply for your job posting.

Job Summary

Next up is the restaurant server job summary. Think of this as a brief introduction to your restaurant and the job. 

The summary is the place to introduce the values that make your restaurant great. Remember, you want to attract candidates that will mesh well with your company mission and culture. Include important details like what traits an applicant should have and the guiding mission that each server should keep in mind. 

The summary should explain why an applicant would be interested in the role and touch on the job’s main elements. There is no need to get overly specific about day-to-day tasks in this section. You’ll tackle that in the next part. Read on to learn how!

Duties & Responsibilities

If a restaurant server job description was a four-course meal, the duties and responsibilities section would be the main course. In other words, this part is at the core of an effective restaurant server job description.

To craft this section, ask the simple question, “what does a restaurant server do at this establishment?” Then list out the typical responsibilities that servers at your restaurant handle on a routine basis. 

Staffing Tip: You can enlist the help of an experienced server on your staff to come up with a list of responsibilities. This on-the-ground perspective will help paint a clearer picture of what the role requires.

Here are some everyday restaurant server duties that you can list in the job description. Make sure to tailor these tasks to the unique role that you are hiring for.

  • Take food orders and communicate with kitchen staff to ensure timely delivery
  • Anticipate the needs of guests and maintain a friendly and professional demeanor
  • Support fellow employees as needed
  • Have a comprehensive knowledge of the menu, including ingredients

Skills & Qualifications

The fourth foundational element of a restaurant server job description is the skills and qualifications section. Here, you lay out what each candidate brings to the table. 

This section acts as a screening mechanism, allowing potential candidates to see how they stack up against your requirements before deciding whether to apply. Think of the best servers at your establishment and what skills they possess. 

A complete job description should list a mix of soft skills and hard skills that the job requires. Browse the examples below for some ideas.

Soft Skills

  • Problem solver 
  • Effective communicator 
  • Works well under pressure
  • Team player

Hard Skills

  • Has a food handler’s license (or can obtain one)
  • Basic computer skills, including intermediate POS system experience
  • Basic arithmetic knowledge
  • Experience working in a fine/casual/busy dining restaurant
  • Previous customer service experience

Physical qualifications should also appear in this section. If certain restaurant server duties involve lifting heavy items, climbing stairs or other physically demanding tasks, describe these clearly.   

Job Type

This is a simple detail, but one that should not be overlooked. Will this be a full-time, part-time or independent contractor position?  

Specify this clearly in the job description to avoid confusion and unnecessary interviews. People searching for part-time jobs will often filter out full-time offers on job boards. Ensure your post gets in front of the right people by specifying the job type from the start. 

Ask the right restaurant server interviews questions to your candidates to screen for the best.


Most restaurant servers make a large portion of their earnings from tips. In light of this, they understand that hourly wages do not reflect complete earnings. However, applicants appreciate seeing what they will be paid before applying for a position.

You can post a payment range in the job description or state in plain terms what the hourly rate will be. Either way, it is helpful to provide candidates with an idea of the compensation they can expect.     

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, restaurant servers make a median wage of $12.50 per hour. This varies based on location, type of restaurant, experience, and more. When deciding payment, employers must be cognizant of experience levels and the cost of living in a specific area.

Pro Tip: Consult your restaurant employee handbook to provide accurate and consistent information.

EEO Disclaimer

Last on the list is a legal detail called the equal employment opportunity disclaimer. Companies with more than 15 employees are required to place this disclaimer in every job posting. The purpose of this section is to communicate the company’s non-discriminatory hiring practices. You can utilize an EEO template or craft a unique statement of your own.  

Restaurant Server Job Description Example

We’ve covered the necessary elements and helpful additions for a professional restaurant server job description. Now, let’s put all the pieces together in a template that you can model your posting. 

Fine Dining Restaurant Server ( 1+ year experience)

[Fine Dining Restaurant] is seeking part-time experienced servers for the busy summer season.

[Fine Dining Restaurant] is a family-owned and operated establishment in [City]. We are committed to bringing a luxurious and intimate dining experience to our guests. If you have a passion for fine cuisine and understand how to make guests feel cared for, this role is ideal for you. 

Restaurant servers will be responsible for taking orders, delivering food and beverages in a professional manner, and being attentive to the needs of guests. Servers will guide diners through the culinary experience, ensuring they have everything they desire. 

[Fine Dining Restaurant] offers a competitive hourly rate and a generous PTO policy. Part-time employees receive perks, including the option to enroll in a healthcare plan. 

[Fine Dining Restaurant] is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and offer a drug-free work environment.

A Better Way To Hire Restaurant Servers

A recent study of restaurant operators found that 51% reported hiring staff as one of the top three challenges they face. Creating job descriptions, sifting through candidates, and conducting interviews takes time and resources away from day-to-day operations. 

Take the hassle of hiring off your plate with this modern solution. Qwick is an on-demand staffing platform that matches you with qualified candidates with a click of a button. 

Simply post shifts on the platform and watch as pre-vetted, experienced local Qwick professionals accept your shifts and show up eager to work. 

Let Qwick handle your server staffing while you focus on running your restaurant. Create an account today to experience this stress-free staffing solution. 

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