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Working a Large Event Shift? Keep These Things in Mind

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Football championships, sold-out stadium shows, golf tournaments, festivals, conventions… if you’re a Qwick professional, you’ve likely had the chance to pick up a shift at some of these exciting events. And if you’ve ever accepted a large event shift, you know they can be a great way to have fun new experiences while making money on your own schedule.

Whether you’re a concession worker at a baseball game or doing event help at a trade show, it’s important to think through everything you need to be successful and make it a great shift. Keep reading for our top tips when it comes to working a large event shift.

Preparing for a large event shift

You just accepted an awesome shift (or two) this weekend working a large event. Congrats! Now what?

Review the shift description closely

It’s important to read the shift description thoroughly before accepting a shift. Shift descriptions contain information about what is expected of you at the shift, including everything from duties and attire requirements to parking and arrival instructions. Only accept a shift if you’ve read the description fully and feel confident you can show up on time and ready to do the job outlined.

Even if you’ve worked with the business before, read the shift description carefully as things can change—especially if a special event is involved!

Check the weather forecast

When it gets closer to the shift, check the weather forecast to see what mother nature has in store for event day. Many events occur outside, so it’s good to be aware of the conditions you might encounter. Bring layers to ensure you’re ready for changing temperatures and always refer to the suggested attire in the shift description to see what is and isn’t allowed.

Things to bring to a large event shift

Before you head out the door on event day, make sure you’ve got the following items:

Comfortable shoes

When heading to a large event shift (or any shift for that matter) choose your footwear carefully. Comfort is key when working many hours on your feet. You never know what adventures a large event shift will throw at you, so you’ll want to be ready for it all. Consider that you may be walking on different types of terrain than you’re used to, and may need shoes with a non-slip sole. Here are some of our favorites!

A government-issued photo ID

Many large events require proof of identification to get in, so bring along a valid photo ID to be sure you don’t hit any snags at check-in. A government-issued photo ID could be a driver’s license, identification card, or passport.

A clear bag

More and more event venues are requiring clear bags for entry, so if possible, it’s great to use one to hold your belongings for large event shifts. If not a clear bag policy, there may be specific size requirements for bags, so please check the shift description and the venue’s rules ahead of time to confirm what their policy is. 

An empty water bottle + snacks

Now that you’ve got your bag, what should go in it? How about something to keep you fueled up through your shift? Hydration is key, especially when working long days or in the heat. While not all event venues allow you to bring in beverages, an empty water bottle can usually be brought in and filled with water once inside.

Snacks are encouraged, too! Although, again, rules can vary by event venue, so it’s best to eat before your shift to ensure you don’t run into any issues.

A fully charged phone

Last but certainly not least, be sure to charge your phone ahead of your shift and bring it with you so that you can clock in and reach out for assistance if needed. After all, we’re always only a text away.

Arrival instructions for large event shifts

Give yourself extra time to get there

Large events come with large crowds. And large crowds can mean more traffic than usual, as well as unique parking situations or arrival instructions. Give yourself more time than you think you’ll need to arrive for your shift on time. Parking for large events can involve using a shuttle or walking to a check-in area, which may take time.

This leads us to the next tip…

Double-check parking instructions

At a large event, where you're working may not be the same place you are parking. The shift description should contain everything you need to know about where and how to park. This includes whether or not parking will be free, reimbursed, or cost money. Always save your parking receipts if reimbursement is offered.

If lost, ask to be directed to the business that posted the shift (not Qwick)

If you’re having trouble locating the check-in area for your shift at a large event, it’s best to ask people to direct you to the business name itself, not Qwick. There are two reasons for this: The people there may not be aware that Qwick is helping to fill shifts for the business, and therefore be unsure of where to send you. Or, Qwick might be helping multiple businesses at the event fill shifts, and you could get sent to the wrong check-in location. 

Avoid being pointed in the wrong direction by asking for the business you’re working a shift with—not Qwick.

Reach out to the onsite manager if you need help

If you have trouble getting into the venue or finding where to check in, you can find the number for the onsite manager in your Qwick app. Give them a call and let them know you are trying to find them so you can clock in.

You can also text us at 79425 if you need help or are running late and we’ll let them know.

Find your next large event shift with Qwick

If you love the hustle and bustle of large events, you’ll love checking out the different opportunities available on the Qwick platform. With over 20 shift types across a range of hospitality roles, you have the freedom to pick up the shifts that interest you and get paid in just 30 minutes after clocking out.

Interested? Click here to get started!

Already a part of the Qwick crew? Did you know you can earn extra cash by referring others? Head to the profile tab of your Qwick app to find your custom referral codes and get sharing to earn even more! 

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